many years teach wisdom.”
-Job 32:7
1. Selfishness will lead to loneliness. (Phil 2:3)
2. The truth of who you are will be revealed on judgement day. GOD knows those who are HIS. (1 Cor 4:5)
3. NEVER apologize for grieving. (Matt 5:4)
4. Understanding when it’s time to move on is one of life’s greatest blessings. Moving on from a relationship, friendship, season etc. (Phil 3:12-14)
5. Arrogance is insecurity undercover. (Prov 27:2)
6. Singles, marrieds, parents, the barren, orphans and widows are ALL valuable to this world and are ALL valuable to the Kingdom of God. Everyone’s story and journey is meant to be unique and different, and is meant to show that God’s power & love has NO LIMIT! (Romans 12:4-5)
7. Love people enough to have the tough conversations. (Proverbs 27:6)
8. Manipulators hate truth, so if you are a woman or a man of truth, DO NOT be surprised if some people hate you. (John 8:44)
9. Satan is THE MASTER Manipulator. Everything he does and says is based off of a lie. (John 8:45)
10. A fulfilled life is not based on age but on the depth and intimacy of your relationship with God. (Ecc 12:13)
11. Every being that has EVER existed will always exists. Our souls are eternal. We will either live eternally with God or eternally without God. The choice is ours. (Ecc 3:11)
12. The goal of a Christian is not to be RICH but to be a good STEWART. There is a difference. (1 Peter 4:10), (Matt 25:20-21)
13. You can love everyone but you DO NOT have to be friends with everyone. That’s not being mean, that’s being wise. (1 Cor 15:33)
14. True contrition and repentance cannot be faked. You’re either truly sorry or you’re not. There is no in between. (2 Cor 7:10-12)
15. An inability to empathize, is not a working of the Spirit. If we are children of God, compassion should run in our blood. (Col 3:12)
16. The REALEST expectation is for people to fail you at times, and for God not to. Rest in that. (Josh 21:45)
17. The goal of any and every relationship should be to love the way God loves. (Eph 5:2)
18. Do NOT let anyone rush your life. (Heb 12:1-2)
19. Sometimes the righteous die young and the wicked live to be old. But the years of someone’s life does not erase the truth of someone’s character. Don’t ever measure someone’s faithfulness by how long they lived on earth. (Isaiah 57:1-2)
20. You are who GOD says you are. His opinion is the ONLY true opinion that holds absolute authority and power! (Jeremiah 1:5)
21. The liberating power that is found in Jesus Christ is insurmountable. Jesus truly is the answer to ALL of life’s problem. (2 Peter 1:3), (Rom 8:11)
22. When life grips you by grief…embrace it and move into it. Don’t suppress it, don’t deny it, and don’t ignore it. Move into it. Walk through it. Crawl through it. Weep..wail..scream..through it. Whatever you have to do, just keep moving into it and through it, trusting that God is with you. (John 11:35)
23. You DO NOT have to respond to foolishness. Whether it be a foolish question or a foolish person. Sometimes the best thing to do is to be SILENT. (Prov 23:9)
24. Forgiveness is impossible without God in your life. (Col 3:13)
25. God’s camera has night vision. What is done in the dark, WILL come to the light. (Luke 8:17)
26. Everyone has a cross to bear. Everyone. Yours may be sickness. Yours may be loss. Whatever your cross may be, just use your cross to show the world JESUS. With every cross we are given, Jesus is there hanging on it, saying “I LOVE YOU and I am willing to bear the pain with you.”(2 Cor 12: 7-10)
27. We all have an invisible expiration date on this earth that only God can see. So, value today and the people in your today. Cherish this minute, your breath, your heartbeat, and your spirit. Today can very well be your last day on this earth. (Ecc 9:12)
With love,
Ashley Moneet
Fearless. Faithful. Following
3 Responses
Beautiful and wise thoughts from a scriptural perspective. So proud of the godliness you display in your character and in your person. God bless.
May God receive all the glory. This is one of your best works.