Think Eternity Not Temporary

What is the secret to being thankful and content in whatever relationship status we are in? It is choosing to “Think Eternity and Not Temporary.” What do I mean by this? I mean choosing to have the proper spiritual perspective about this life. As a Christian, correct perspective is essential to continuance and perseverance through […]

Gripped by Grief

Gripped by Grief Grief has a way of seizing your heart like a Sumo wrestler. It pounces on you and sends you falling to the ground. Then once it has you knocked down, it seems to squeeze you and sit on top of you, refusing to let you go.  Its grip can feel extremely tight…so […]

27 Things I Realized by Age 27

“I said, let days speak and many years teach wisdom.” -Job 32:7 1. Selfishness will lead to loneliness. (Phil 2:3)   2. The truth of who you are will be revealed on judgement day. GOD knows those who are HIS. (1 Cor 4:5)   3. NEVER apologize for grieving. (Matt 5:4)   4. Understanding when it’s […]

The Truth About Family

The Truth About Family I recently went on a trip to Atlanta, Georgia for my family’s 26th year reunion. Every two years my extended family that lives in various areas around the globe, gathers together for several days to spend time with one another. This family reunion was filled with lots of fun, food, and […]

Healing After the Breakup

I can’t believe it’s been two years. I will never forget the look on your face when I told you I was walking away from the relationship. I remember that day like it was yesterday. The memory of the pain and fear in your eyes used to haunt me. I never imagined myself walking away. […]

Marriage is NOT a Fairytale

I’M SUPER EXCITED that my wonderful sister agreed to be a guest writer on my blog. After this blog, you all will see why I love her so much! lol She’s like a REAL LIVE P31! haha She has been one of my biggest inspirations in my life. I am so grateful to be her […]

Trusting God In the Midst of Change

“Those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.” -Psalm 9:10 Change for most of us is something that we do not like to embrace, yet it is one of those things that happens everyday. For a Christian, change is not something we […]

Ladies Do Not Settle

No matter what, DO NOT SETTLE. I know, trust me I know, you’re tired. You’re tired of the wait, tired of hurting, tired of seeing others get their answered prayers but you still feeling like you have yet to get your answered prayers. I’m here to tell you that God has not forgotten about you. […]

It Is Better To Go To the House of Mourning

“It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart. Sorrow is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart. The heart of the wise is in the […]

The Beauty of Healing

The Beauty of Healing 2016 Reflection “Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.”-Psalm 30:2 One word that keeps echoing in my heart and mind is the word “healing.” I can honestly say I have experienced healing. So much has happened this past year. Things that were absolutely heart wrenching. […]