

God is enough. Life with it’s joys and hurts always has a way of reminding me of this simple truth. I know it sounds like one of the stereotypical “cliche” sayings, but in actuality embracing this truth is the key to experiencing and enjoying true life. Some of you may already know this about me, and for those of you who don’t know, I’ll go ahead and enlighten you. I am someone that use to be considered a “chronic people pleaser.” I used to exhaust myself trying to live for the approval of others and not only that, but seeking my fulfillment through people.

The more I lived life with that mentality, the more miserable I became.

It was such an unhealthy, emotionally draining, and straight out foolish way to live. The only products that I seemed to produce were disappointment after disappointment, frustration after frustration, and heartache after heartache. It was this never ending cycle of discontentment.

I felt like a 5 year old little girl throwing a tantrum, kicking in the corner somewhere, screaming to people with my fists raised in the air…

“Feed me! Pay attention to me!

Look at me! Do what I want!

Fill me! Make me Happy!”

The pufferer my eyes became, the louder my wales, the redder my face… I thought that I would get some type of fulfillment.


In actuality, I got just the opposite.

More emptiness.

Ok so please know that I was not throwing 5 year old tantrums in my life literally, but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally I was. Every day I would live life in a way that I was seeking for others to be my god. To complete and fill me the way I needed to be filled. I was relying on them for my self esteem, my self worth, my value, and my contentment. And the moment someone did not meet my expectation I spiraled into a web of self-pity. You know the one,

“Oh nobody loves me.

No body cares.

I’m tired of people taking advantage of me..blah blah blah.”

I got to a point in my life where I was so sick of living like that. Surely God did not design for me to live in a state filled with so much emptiness! At the time, I couldn’t see what my problem was. I wanted to be freed from this unhealthy roller coaster of emotions, but I couldn’t figure out how to stop the ride and get off.

So what did God do? He allowed life and it’s circumstances to bring me to my knees. So much to the point that the only thing I had was Him. He allowed me to be in a situation where no physical human being, no intellectual rationale, and no earthly encouragement could fix it or fix me.

I was in a deep, desperate, and dark place and I needed help.

Help that went beyond this world, supernatural help that only the “divine” could truly offer. It was then, that God stepped in so tenderly, loving, and scooped me into His wonderful arms of safety, protection, and healing. Whew! I can feel the tears start to well up in my eyes as I write this. That moment was so life changing for me.

It’s like everything became clearer, and everything my heart was in search of was right before me…MY CREATOR. It’s like He was reminding me, “My sweet daughter, what you are in search of is me. I am ENOUGH. I AM YOUR LIFE. Seek me with all of your heart. I am the only one that can fill you, complete you, and heal you. Things won’t do it and people can’t do it. Stop running to everyone else and start running to me! Live for me because I am your ONLY true source of life and fulfillment.”

That reminder hit me like a ton of bricks! I just sat and wept for what seemed like hours.

“I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” -Psalm 16:2

From that moment on, I made a conscious decision to retrain my thought process. If I’m honest, it’s still something I have to work on every single moment of every day. I have to lovingly remind myself of that sweet truth… “God is enough.” Whether I’m at work, at home, driving down the highway, laying in my bed, at worship service, or at a restaurant. I must constantly remember that God is enough. He is my life. In moments of frustration or sadness, I seek to make a choice to praise God and thank Him for yet another moment of reminding me that He is enough. Through death of friends and family, loss of relationships and friendships, and changes within family dynamics I am reminded of this astounding truth…

“My God is enough.” He is enough! HE IS ENOUGH! Say it with me, “GOD. IS. ENOUGH.”

As you read my words, I want to encourage you to embrace this truth as well. No earthly human being can fulfill you and meet your ultimate need, no one. The more you run to people, even things..the more empty and discontented you will be become. God is your source of life, He is your life and apart from Him you can not truly live. You will forever be lifeless and unhappy. You and I were designed to live for God and to seek life from Him. When we live for Him we are living out our purpose and as a result will operate to our maximum potential. Please hear my loving plea as I write these words, God is enough. Stop seeking your friends, your siblings, your mother, your father, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your fiancee, your husband or wife to be your source of life. They will never be ever to truly fill you and complete your ultimate needs.

Only God can.

I have found such sweet peace by seeking everyday to live in way that says, “God is enough” in my life. Peace that I never imagined I would be able to possess. But it’s all because of Him. That’s how amazing God is!

When we seek Him, He fills us. He meets whatever need, and He makes us better than we were before.

So my friend, I want to encourage you…let your ultimate hope and expectation be in God, NOT in people. He is enough. He has always been enough and will forever be enough! Let no one in your life take His place on the throne of your heart. He is your God and the only true God.

“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.” Psalm 16:5

Be encouraged!

Love Always,
Ashley Moneet

Fearless.Faithful. Following.

*This week’s memory verses: Psalm 23:1-6 and Psalm 16:2,5
*Character of study: Job

**If you have anything you would like to share, whether it be a testimony, a question, or you want to express how you feel about this blog, please comment below. I would love to hear from you!


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4 Responses

  1. God is enough! writing this on sticky notes and posting it everywhere in my house. I feel like I’ve been in battle with my wants and God’s plans for my life. I have to remember He is enough. What He deems fit for me, is enough. Thank you so much for this Ashley!

    1. You are most welcome love! So glad I was able to encourage you. Keep your head up, in due time God’s plan will unfold.

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