


You are God’s precious treasure and He loves you so much! You are one of God’s most beautiful creations. The devil wants you to not truly believe how God feels about you. The depth of His divine love and care is incomprehensible. What a sobering thought. I don’t know what caused your feelings of insecurity, but they were not put there by God. They are seeds of the evil one, the devil. Maybe your insecure feelings were brought about by something that someone said or did. Maybe it was a picture of someone else you saw on social media that caused you to feel less than. Maybe you looked into the mirror and didn’t like what you saw. The world’s standards are deceiving! Maybe you’ve been dealing with a period of depression and insecurity for a while now and you are unsure about exactly where it all started. Whatever the case may be, you must believe unwaveringly that you are a BEAUTIFUL creation designed uniquely by the Heavenly Father. God’s works are always beautiful, magnificent, and purpose filled. You are one of His most prized works!



God makes no mistakes, which means He did not make one mistake when He created you. Insecurity causes you to forget just how awesome and unique God made you. Your features, your temperament, your personality, your unique talents and gifts…He put it all there. You are not a mistake but you are a created by God to be a success bringing glory and honor to His name by the way you live. Choose to rejoice in the uniqueness and awesomeness of your distinct and personalized beauty. Be thankful for your portion and thankful for those things God has given you and no one else! No one else has your fingerprint and no one else could ever be you. You are special to God. He loves you, so that means you should love the YOU whom He created.



God wants your hope and joy to be found in Him and His love for you. NOT in your physical beauty that is rated on a scale of 1-10? And by who? And whose standard? The world? Think about it. God doesn’t need a scale to measure how beautiful you are to Him. Your beauty far exceeds any number on a scale! What an esteem booster! Our security is not to be found in the prideful vainness of our gifts, our personality, or our prestige; but in Him.  True inner security is ONLY found in Christ Jesus and not in anything that this world offers. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Eph 2:10) So, at this very moment choose joy. Choose to rejoice in the truth of what God thinks of you. Walk today with your head held high in the thoughts that God has towards you. Being mindful never to think of yourself above that which is written. Allow your spirit to feel the love of the Heavenly Father. Isn’t it wonderful to experience an all encompassing hug from the Father filled with the love He has for you? His arms open stretched wide at Calvary. Arms big enough for all of us. Know that you are beautiful. You are wonderful. You are loved. Rejoice evermore my friend. Remember, you were created for God and what He thinks of you is what ultimately matters. You are beautiful! You are fearfully and wonderfully made!


“I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are thy works; and my soul knoweth right well.” –Psalm 139:14

With love,

Ashley Moneet



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