Think Eternity Not Temporary
What is the secret to being thankful and content in whatever relationship status we are in? It is choosing to “Think Eternity and Not Temporary.” What do I mean by this? I mean choosing to have the proper spiritual perspective about this life. As a Christian, correct perspective is essential to continuance and perseverance through […]
Resting in and on the ROCK
If we take a moment to look around the world in front of us, it’s not hard to see that our world is in a constant state of utter chaos and unrest. It can be overwhelming seeing the pandemonium that this virus has caused. It’s also burdening to see the depravity, wickedness, evilness, and straight […]
28 Things I Realized by age 28
“I said, let days speak and many years teach wisdom.” -Job 32:7 1. Talking to God (in prayer) and allowing God to talk to me (by reading His word), changes the posture of my spirit and sets the right tone for my day. (Philippians 4:6-8, Pslam 119:25-48) 2. When my words consistently speak God, but […]
The Grass is Not Always Greener
I want you to imagine that you, or should I say your life represents grass. We’ve all heard the saying that the grass is not always greener on the other side. This statement is to show the reality that things are not always as good as they seem. It also encourages us not to compare […]
Trust Issues
I wrote this blog a long time ago when I was in a really bad space in my life. I’m sharing this now in hopes that it may encourage someone else. Trust is something we all desire to have, but it’s one of the most vulnerable things you can do. My prayer is that your soul may be encouraged as you read this.
Looking into the Mirror
Have you looked into the mirror today? I’m not talking about just any ol’ mirror. I’m referring to the “true mirror.” Apart of growing in this life, is first having the ability, and the humble honesty to truly see ourselves..”the good, the bad, and the ugly.” In this blog, I discuss how we can truly see ourselves if we take the necessary time to look into the “true mirror” of life. Be encouraged!
It Is Better To Go To the House of Mourning
“It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart. Sorrow is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart. The heart of the wise is in the […]